使用 ZV-1,升級你的影音部落格拍攝技巧 @culinary.frank

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「對我來說,ZV-1 相機讓我能隨心所欲地發揮創造力,最讚的是,它的體積袖珍到可以直接放在口袋裡。」

在某個陽光燦爛的日子裡,墨爾本內容創作者 Frank 使用內建的 ND 減光濾鏡,在保持預期光圈尺寸的同時抵擋陽光照射,得以拍出背景模糊並突出主角的內容。



Frank 背景簡介

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When it comes to vlogging, the ZV-1 camera has a ton of features that can help you out. Starting from the built-in ND filter, simply turn it on when you are vlogging outside on a sunny day and it will block out the sun so you don’t have to reduce your aperture.

There’s also a flip-out screen which you can rotate it in so many directions, a focus button which basically defocuses your background and makes you stand out more in your videos as well as a feature called Product Showcase which can help you focus on any item you put in front of the camera.

Watch me as I demonstrate these features and more in the video below:


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At first, I really only got the ZV-1 camera as a backup camera. But every time I used it, the features kept wowing me and soon I found myself using this camera more often than my main camera.

One of the first reasons why I bought this camera was because of its small size. It could fit right in my palm and I actually felt more comfortable and confident vlogging with it when I’m outdoors. People don’t pay much attention to you when you’re vlogging with the small ZV-1 camera. And for those of you who want an easy set-up but great quality, you’ll be pleased to know that the ZV-1 camera is able to shoot in 4K resolution.


For me, the ZV-1 camera basically has everything I need to empower my creativity and the best part is, it fits right in my pocket.

ZV-1 必用功能

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